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Main Conference: Tuesday, October 15 - Thursday, October 17, 2024

Preconference: Monday October 14 - Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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*Minor schedule changes should be expected. 
Program Administration clear filter
Wednesday, October 16

8:30am MDT

I Think You Should Leave! Managing Early Departures
Wednesday October 16, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am MDT
Sometimes the best outcome is for a participant to go home before the program is over. Setting your program and its participants up for success means preparing to support both attendance and early departure. This presentation will look at strategies and tools to reduce unnecessary departures as well as identify and ease necessary departures. This will include creating clear and consistent program definitions, defining the boundaries of the program and staff skill-set, supportive and inclusive program design, and defining the pathways that lead to a participant staying or going home. We will share experiences, look at example tools and templates, and review case studies for a variety of situations and participant types. [Updated and revised version of presentation given in 2022]
avatar for Alex Schwartz

Alex Schwartz

Safety and Training Director, North Carolina Outward Bound
Alex has been working with groups in the outdoors for 20 years, at summer camps, universities, and Outward Bound. As a life-long troublemaker Alex is unsure how he ended up in charge of avoiding trouble for a large and well-established outdoor organization.  Alex doesn't sleep on... Read More →
Wednesday October 16, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am MDT
Canyon C

10:30am MDT

Admissions: Your Risk Management First Line of Defence
Wednesday October 16, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm MDT
Risk Management begins long before your staff are on site, the participants arrive and your boats hit the water. This workshop will discover and dissect your admissions/intake process as your first line risk management tool. Learn the necessary steps to build from scratch and audit your admissions process. We will aim to boost efficiency, increase access and provide a welcoming and safe intake experience for your participants. We will discuss what key elements to include, the ideal flow of your system and the tools needed to bolster your admissions process, while still ensuring a personal touch for your clients as they prepare for your program. This is a great workshop for new or small programs still building their systems, or for those who know their intake process needs improvement. We will work through the importance of inclusive and accessible approaches to intake, and discuss some of the toughest circumstances when it comes to approving applicants to your program. If designed intentionally, your admissions program can open more doors to the outdoors!
avatar for Jillian Zeppa

Jillian Zeppa

Director of Admissions, Outward Bound Canada
Jill (she/her) has been working in outdoor education for more than twenty years through the residential camping industry, traditional and experiential classroom settings and in wilderness education. She currently serves Outward Bound Canada as the Director of Admissions. Jill prides... Read More →
Wednesday October 16, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm MDT
Granite Conference Center

1:30pm MDT

Adaptive forms and AI engines to increase informational efficiency
Wednesday October 16, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm MDT
Over the past season, we've embraced technology to enhance our programs, introducing a digital adaptive medical form that adjusts questions based on user responses, integrates doctor approvals, and converts submissions into both an office and field form. We've also developed an open-source AI bot to efficiently organize program groups based on criteria like cabin assignments, age breakdown, and student rooming preferences. Currently, we're developing another AI engine to review medical and participant documents against our Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC), aiming to streamline processes and improve accuracy.
Wednesday October 16, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm MDT
Alpine West

3:00pm MDT

Partnerning for Medical Advice: Small programs perspective
Wednesday October 16, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm MDT
This workshop will take an in depth look at how two small outdoor education programs have navigated new partnerships to support the development of program medical protocols, refine the health intake process, and obtain medical advice when concerns arise during programming. We will also explore an advising physician’s perspective on considerations for connecting and interfacing with a program medical advisor. Small program leaders often work in isolation, and may find themselves addressing all aspects of the health intake and support process on their own, despite little formal medical training. Where larger organizations may have personnel who are solely dedicated to participant health, smaller ones may have only one or two individuals wearing many hats, and this aspect of the program may compete with other responsibilities. This workshop will generate ideas for potential advising models, assist in developing resources, and help participants take steps to de-silo this important component of outdoor programming. This workshop is facilitated by two independent school outdoor program directors and the medical advisor for several programs (both small and large). Time will be allocated to address questions as well as learn from workshop attendees.
avatar for Lindsay Babbitt

Lindsay Babbitt

Director of Outdoor Education, Catlin Gabel School
Lindsay Babbitt is reenergized annually by the community at the WRMC. She has led youth outdoor programming and conservation crews all over the Western states, New England, and Appalachia. Lindsay is the Director of Outdoor Education at the Catlin Gabel School in Portland, OR, where... Read More →
avatar for Dr. Avinash Patil

Dr. Avinash Patil

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Stanford
Avinash Patil, MD is an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine at Stanford. He graduated from UC Davis studying Physiology and Economics. After taking a few years off to work in the outdoor industry, he went to Washington University in St. Louis for medical school and completed... Read More →

Phoebe Dameron

Co-Director of the Athenian Wilderness Experience, The Athenian School
Phoebe Dameron (she/her) is the Co-Director of the Athenian Wilderness Experience at The Athenian School in California. She has worked in education for 30 years, as an outdoor and environmental educator and as a classroom teacher, and she loves it! She serves on the board of the Pacific... Read More →
Wednesday October 16, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm MDT
Granite Conference Center
Thursday, October 17

8:30am MDT

Beyond Theory to Practice: Case Studies in Safety II (Safety Differently) (CORE)
Thursday October 17, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am MDT
Since 2019, there have been regular WRMC presentations and pre-conference sessions devoted to the principles of Safety II (or Safety Differently), but until now, we have talked more about the theory than the practice. This session will provide a very brief introduction to the concepts behind Safety II, but primarily focus on practical applications and lessons learned by programs that are implementing a Safety II approach. We will use case studies, practical examples of success stories, share pitfalls to avoid, and offer action steps for participants to apply Safety II concepts to their own organization. Participants will also be invited to recognize how they may already have many components of a Safety II approach existing within their current policies, practices, or organizational culture - even if they aren't calling it that (yet).
avatar for Steve Smith`

Steve Smith`

Risk Management Consultant, Experiential Consulting, LLC
Steve Smith (he/him/his) is the founder of Experiential Consulting, LLC, specializing in risk management for outdoor programs and the lead author/editor of Beneficial Risks: The Evolution of Risk Management for Outdoor and Experiential Education Programs. After taking a NOLS course... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am MDT
Alpine West

10:30am MDT

When Good Programs Get Bad Press: Are journalists out to get us?
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm MDT
How do journalists and the public know the difference between good programs and a harmful one? Do you understand what the term “troubled teen industry” means and where your program is positioned in the outdoor programming marketplace? Negative press in any outdoor sector impacts all outdoor programs. As the adventure therapy field and therapeutic programs navigate public criticism around ethical care, this session covers understanding and working with a journalist’s perspective and strategies for proactive PR. The session aims to give practitioners tools and strategies to help clarify programmatic purpose, common or inherent practices, who regulates programs, and how standards are determined. Join Sarah Hoye, a past recipient of the prestigious Peabody Award for her work in journalism, and Denise Mitten, Ph.D., a thought leader and ethicist specializing in mental health counseling, in this thought-provoking session. Participants will come away with a deeper understanding of how to work with media, a positive press release about their program, and the importance of and how to write ethical standards applicable to their programmatic context.

Sarah Hoye, M.J.

Senior Director of Marketing & Communications, Student Conservation Association
Sarah Hoye is an award-winning national television correspondent who oversees the Student Conservation Association’s strategic communications, media relations and marketing efforts. Prior to joining the SCA in November 2022, she served as Communications Director for the Wisconsin... Read More →
avatar for Denise Mitten, PhD

Denise Mitten, PhD

Professor Emerita, Education for Sustainability Doctoral Program, Adventure Education, Prescott College
Denise Mitten, PhD, internationally recognized for her innovative scholarship in outdoor and environmental pedagogy, ethics, and gender has advocated and written about caring and compassionate leadership since 1985. A widely experienced adventure guide, from SCUBA to mountaineering... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm MDT
Alpine East

1:30pm MDT

Reporting & Investigation Sexual Harassment For Wilderness Programs
Thursday October 17, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm MDT
This session will focus on how to prepare your organization to receive and investigate reports of unwelcome behaviors. We will identify the increased harm and impact of unwelcome behaviors as they become more egregious, identify the best practices for taking a report and what an investigation should entail.
Thursday October 17, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm MDT
Canyon A/B

3:30pm MDT

Lean In or Dial Back? Calibrating Your Individual and Organizational Risk Tolerance
Thursday October 17, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm MDT
In the realm of risk management, our approach to a given situation varies depending on whether we are vacationing with friends, operating within the confines of our professional roles, or collaborating with a professional partner. In the context of outdoor or experiential education, risk can be particularly valuable as it presents opportunities for students to challenge their assumptions and develop essential problem-solving skills. It is through navigating the inherent risks in the learning process that students foster resilience, creativity, and adaptability. These varying perspectives illuminate the complex dynamics and trade-offs inherent in effective risk management. This workshop explores how we define a shared organizational understanding of risk tolerance as it pertains to student learning and the student experience, and offers tools for how we communicate a unified vision of risk appetite to our staff. We will share a risk continuum that can be applied personally and organizationally, and offer a framework for undertaking an organizational assessment of acceptable risk. Additionally, we will provide tools to support and train staff in upholding organizational risk thresholds that may differ greatly from their own personal risk tolerance.
avatar for Christy Sommers

Christy Sommers

Training & Curriculum Director, Where There Be Dragons
Christy Sommers works as the Training & Curriculum Director for Where There Be Dragons. Over the past 18 years, Christy has logged roughly 1400 field days instructing student programming in India, Nepal, Madagascar, Senegal, Guinea, Rwanda, Italy, and the American Southwest and has... Read More →
avatar for Dave Haffeman

Dave Haffeman

Risk Management Coordinator, Where There Be Dragons
Dave has worked as field staff and an administrator in outdoor and international settings since 2005. Dave began his tenure at Where There Be Dragons in 2015 as a South America semester instructor. Over the years he has gathered valuable knowledge of Dragons programming while holding... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm MDT
Alpine West
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